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General Disclaimer

The 5ive Pillars Organization does not warrant or make any representations as to the quality, content, accuracy, currency, legality or completeness of the information, text, graphics, links and other items contained on this server or any other server. Use of The 5ive Pillars Organization website is at the user's sole risk. 

The presence of links, resources or any information that comes from a state agency, organization or partner group does not constitute or imply any endorsement, sponsorship, or recommendation of content (e.g. opinions, services, offers, information). The 5ive Pillars Organization does not monitor, control or fund any linked site or resource and is not responsible of its content. If the linked site or resource solicits funds, this should not be constituted to mean that this organization is soliciting funds for that site or resource. 

The 5ive Pillars Organization does not share, distribute or allocate in any way, clientele information that is deemed private and confidential, including but not limited to: names, phone numbers, e-mail addresses, home addresses, household information, income, or any other identifying information associated with clients the organization supports. Information requests will be denied. 

While The 5ive Pillars Organization offers resources and tips on navigating complex state agency processes, it does not guarantee a positive outcome for the individual or individuals seeking a state benefit or decision. 

The 5ive Pillars Organization is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization 
Copyright © The 5ive Pillars Organization, 2024. 
General Disclaimer. 

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